Well, it's day two with my sick husband. I think I might survive this, but I don't know if he will. It's been pretty rough. I know I'm not alone however. It seems all the blogs I read, all the emails I get, or all the phone calls I make, the other end is dealing with the flu or colds right now too. Makes the world seem a little smaller to know we're all dealing with the exact same thing. Literally. So I hope you all get feeling better!
Tonight for dinner I made pancakes for the kids. This isn't unusual for us. I'd say we have pancakes atelast once a week. Don't judge me please! We also make our own maple flavored syrup to go with it. Why spend the money to buy the other cheap stuff when we can just make it. Unless of course you are talking about the real stuff! That we will buy. Anyway, I found this recipe hidden in my stack of still-need-to-try-because-they-look-so-good-but-haven't-had-a-chance-yet recipes for vanilla syrup. It was from a friend of my grandparents. How I ever came to have this recipe I have no idea. But there it was. So I decided I'd give it a try. Can I just tell you, this was the BEST!! I couldn't get enough of it. Forget Maple syrup. You'll never want it again after tasting this stuff. I love it so much, I just had to share it with all of you. Please enjoy, and let me know what you think! Pretty good wouldn't you say?!
Homemade Syrup from the kitchen of Phylis Aldis
1 Cup Water
1 Cup White Sugar
1 Cup Brown Sugar
Bring these ingredients to a boil at med-high. Continue to boil for approx 6-8 minutes.
Add 2 Tbls butter and boil for two more minutes.
Add 2 tsp. vanilla and boil for two more minutes.
Ready to serve, so enjoy!