Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Paying it forward

I got this from my friend Becky. I thought it was so cool, so had to jump on board. Thanks for inspiring us all do good! You always have! :)

Pay it forward...

This is how it works..... The first 3 people to leave a comment on this post will receive a hand made gift from me during this year. When and what will be a surprise (but if there is anything in particular you like, let me know!) BUT, in order for you to leave a comment on my blog, you have to post this on your blog first. (That means that sometime during this year you will send a gift to 3 people as well.) Get it? So, the first 3 people to comment on this post will be the lucky ones!


Michelle said...

How fun, pick me :)

Mrs. JoAnne Mabey said...

ME!!!! ME!!!!! ME!!!!!!
and plus i love you! :)

April said...

I want to play too! Although I am not so good at homemade, I will have to work on it :)

Becki said...

Ah nuts. Oh, and this time the word is "outio." thats a little more appropriate! I know, I'm a nerd.