Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Free time? What mom do you know?

So what have I been doing now that the kids are in school? I wish I had this huge awesome list to share. But of course, I don't. I will say however, I have managed to keep the house clean for the last three weeks! Really! So far so good. And the kids haven't been late to school, although we've had two close calls with alarms not going off. I hung a bunch of stuff in the house. Been very efficient in my shopping and returns. Actually went to the post office. TWICE! Kept up on the bills nicely. Worked out (not completely in a routine yet.. but close). And blogged twice (which lately that's doing quite well now isn't it?!). So no, not some awesome list... but I am happy with it. Very happy with it! I won't mention what I have on the list TO DO. I mean, really. When you have this to compete with, it's hard to turn her down!

and I do have to say, there is just something emotional for me, in this first picture. Maybe because she just looks older to me? I can't figure it out.


Audra said...

I hear ya loud and clear! Amen!

Love this post! Such incredible pictures of your adorable baby girl!

likeschocolate said...

She is growing up! She doesn't look like a baby anymore.

Michelle said...

She is looking older and I can't believe how long her hair is!

Becki said...

How beautiful! I love all of them, but my favorite (sentamentaly) is the banana picture. :) I think I've seen that girl with a banana in her hand more than any other kid I know! Really, great pics!!!

Jenn's Notes said...

You take beautiful pictures....I think photograpy is definately ART.

Fortunes said...

Your to do list sounds like mine. You take such beautiful pics.

nicole said...

I feel like time has stopped for a month. It feels good to look at your blog again:) She is so so beautiful!! I love love pictures of children. It really is priceless.... We actually have a moment to stop time or think that we are. I always look back and thats when I see how much my kids have grown. I miss you already:)!! Thanks so much for coming by.....twice!!! I really do love you. I felt as though we picked up where we left off...a year ago.
Loves nicole