So the last couple of weeks have been crazy, busy, fun, exhausting, and wonderful all at the same time. It all started with Matt's parents coming in for a week. We had to share them for a bit with Matt's brother down south (I know, really.. how rude!) but we got them here for a bit too. We LOVE having them come and visit, and they are really very easy going. Besides, they helped fix our kitchen table crisis! :) But there was a funny moment, where I just had to laugh. We had all planned on going to see a laser show at stone mountain. Us, Matt's parents, Matt's brother and his family, and Matt's cousin and her family were all going to watch the show. We stopped by KFC on the way, planning to have a great picnic on the grass, watching the kids play, and enjoying the family time until the show started. The minute we parked the car, a torrential down-pour hit, like only it does here. But we were all really hungry. So 10 of us piled into our mini-van to eat the KFC. Grandma Dotti did a lot of dishing up for everyone, and the rest of us did a lot of eating. :) Luckily the rain stopped. So we piled out like a clown car, and started getting all the blankets ready for the blanket. Then the rain came again. Good thing we hadn't made it but a few parking stalls aways. We all piled back in. One of the nice things about the rain here, other than the awesome amount of buckets that drop, is also the fact that usually it lasts for a short time. And it did. So once again we piled out of the car and headed out to meet the rest of the party already out on the grass waiting. We had just walked far enough that there was no turning back, and the downpour hit. Again. To the rescue was a pavilion area that was covered! So in we ran. I think everyone had about had it, and the clouds looked like it was only going to get worse. But once the rain stopped... we kept in going. While 90% of the people were heading out, there we were heading in. But guess what. It didn't rain again. So other than walking through mud instead of grass, and a few of us going home with very wet clothes (turns out he waterproof backing on the blanket, wasn't so waterproof after all!), it worked out great. And with the crowds a lot smaller than usual, it was actually really nice. Yay! So here are the two picture I have of the entire crazy night. My flash is not working right on the camera, so I gave up on pictures. But these two were while we were waiting under the pavilion, waiting out yet the third storm. I love nights like these. Much better memories!